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Do you want the latest on our travel adventures? Or how about exclusive personalized deals on our store that are not available anywhere else? You'll also get early access to all of our photography tutorials and travel guides and so much more. Our email newsletters are all delivered through our travel blog Pangea, but you can still sign up here.
What Benefits Do You Get By Subscribing?
By subscribing to our email list, you will get exclusive access to:
- The Latest News from Our Travel Adventures. Virtually travel along with us and effortlessly stay up-to-date with our adventures around the world. We'll deliver updates directly to your inbox, so you don't have to go searching for them.
- Exclusive and Personalized Deals in Our Store. We don't offer these special discounts to anyone but email subscribers.
- 20% Off Your First Order in Our Store. There are no restrictions how you can use that discount, either.
- Free Visual Storytelling Tutorials and Travel Guides. Hone your photography and video skills and start checking those items off your bucket list!
- Free Insider Tips and Tricks. We'll share our insider tips and tricks for taking your travel and photography journey to the next level. Oh, and they're also designed to save you money now as well as set you up to save money in the future.
And best of all? It's completely free, and you don't need to have any previous relationship with us to sign up.
How Often Will Emails Be Sent?
Emails will be sent two to three times per month.
Will My Email Be Protected?
Absolutely. Your email will not be used for anything other than the distribution of our email list. Your email address will never be shared, sold, or distributed in any other way. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
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